Saturday, April 24, 2010

Still waiting....

Ugh...I am so frustrated. My endocrinologist's office said they would call me on Monday and let me know when I needed to start my diet. Well when Wednesday came around and I didn't hear anything I called and left a message for them. I got a message back saying they would call me when the medicine for my injections come in and then I'll start my diet. So now I have no idea how long it will be before I start the diet and get my dose of radioactive iodine. It wouldn't be a big deal except I cannot start on thyroid medication until I have this done. The symptoms of hypothyroid are not fun to deal with and I would rather not have to deal with them for an extended period of time if I don't have to. Now this is where God hits me over the head with how minor this is in comparison to what a lot of people I know are dealing with. As I'm typing this I am listening to David Crowder Band's song called You Are My Joy....I got it God...okay! :)

I've had quite a few people ask me what the lack of a thyroid does to you. There is a whole list of symptoms of hypothyroid (low thyroid levels or in my case none at all) but these are the ones I am dealing with. If you want a complete listing of them just google hypothyroid symptoms. The main one is being tired all the time. I wake up feeling like I haven't slept more than 4 hours. Then throughout the day there is the inevitable energy crashes. This is when my lack of energy is very pronounced. I get a very heavy feeling in my limbs of pure exhaustion and can hardly keep my eyes open. This lasts anywhere from half an hour up to 2 hours or so. Not good when I'm home alone with the kids but we make do with tv time when these happen. Today was a good day and I only had one of those crashes right around 6pm that lasted about 2 hours. Another one that is really frustrating to me is weight gain. I've worked my tush off to lose 15 lbs this year and this week managed to put 1/3 of it back on...yes I gained 5 lbs in a week! No I was not binging on junk food either. I dread getting up in the morning because I never know if I will be the same weight, weigh less or the dreaded weighing more and not fitting into my clothes. Along with this comes depression. This is another symptom I'm experiencing of being hypo. It isn't bad but I have my good times and some bad ones as well. I knew this could happen though and that has helped me get through them better than I would have normally. Other symptoms that I've experienced but haven't been to bad so far is dry skin and loss of hair. Thankfully I have a very thick head of hair because there are days where my tub looks like you shaved my head. I had to come back on here because I forgot to add 2 more things I am dealing with. One is cold intolerance. The minute the air turns down from 78 to 76 in our house I'm looking for something warm to put on. And the funniest thing of all that I forgot to add originally to this post is.....forgetfulness! LOL! Yes, absentmindedness or mental fogginess is a symptom...go figure! Haha!

Okay enough of the bad stuff. The good stuff is that I have a wonderful group of people around me that have been incredibly helpful! We've had meals provided for us by those near and far and they are being continued for the next week or so. Friends and family that are far away have sent gift cards for restaurants and supermarkets which have been great as well! We've had people come clean our house and others offer to help clean and those that are paying to have a professional come clean as well. This is a HUGE burden lifted off of us! When I have energy I want to spend that time with Brian and the kids and not on household chores. I also don't want Brian spending his time on that if he doesn't have to. I would rather him be able to relax and enjoy time with the kids when he is home instead of picking up the slack in the household area. We had one friend that came over everyday last week after work when Brian was gone to help me in the evenings (my worst part of the day) and get the kids in bed for me. I could keep listing the kinds of help that we've had it's so amazing. I will one day catch up with all the thank you notes I promise! Just know if you are one of those people that I so appreciate it! All the cards, flowers and prayers are awesome as well. They are such great pick me up throughout the day!

Oh yeah...quite a few of my family members and friends were wondering about my incision site. I'll have to upload some pictures but it really looks great. All the steri strips are off now and over time I have a feeling there is going to be very little scarring. It is nice to have the steri strips off because it cuts down on the amount of staring I get when I go out. :) I had a few people brave enough to ask me what happened which I actually appreciated. I would much rather them ask than stare and wonder. I can only imagine what was going through their heads....did she get into a knife fight with her husband...they look so happy together...can't be! LOL! :) My favorite was by a pastor at our church. Since I hadn't heard any good comments from people I asked a couple of people at the church office for said that my husband must be a real cut throat. :) I liked it and may use it when a stranger asks me what happened. I can just imagine the looks I'll get. Haha! Just so you don't think this pastor was insensitive...I used to work for our church and know all of the pastors pretty well. We are blessed to go to a great church with great staff that are laid back and know...they are real people! :)

Okay...I need to get some sleep tonight. Poor Tyler has been dealing with strep throat and not sleeping. I believe we are past it now so I'm going to take advantage of what I hope will be a good night's sleep. :)

Nighty night!

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