Friday, April 9, 2010

It's on to curing it

I haven't posted in awhile because things got so darn hectic around here for a few weeks. A good kind of hectic though. We did lots of fun things with the boys and had family in town over spring break.

As most of you know my surgery was postponed until April 6th. I've been home for a few days and recovering. The doctor took out the right side of my thyroid and the isthmus. They were sure it wasn't cancer and decided to stop the operation there. I responded well to the surgery and had no complications thankfully. I did have some issues with trying to get pain meds worked out properly but we finally have one that doesn't make me itch all over. Good news is that I haven't had any pain meds in over 8 hours and I'm feeling fine. :)

On to the not so good news. My doctor called last night to tell me that the results came back from pathology and it actually was papillary carcinoma. That is the most common type of thyroid cancer. This means I have to go through another surgery today sometime. We aren't sure what time that will be. In surgery they will remove the left side of my thyroid and possibly some lymph nodes to examine them to see if the cancer has spread. Thyroid cancer is usually contained to the thyroid but if it does spread the first areas it goes to is the lymph nodes or possibly the lungs. Now obviously that spot on my lung has me a little more freaked out than I was but we will handle that next week when we see the pulmonologist.

People have been asking me how I feel and I have to say I'm a little angry I have to go through this surgery again and I'm also a little scared and anxious about it all. I believe that is all pretty normal. We were expecting a good report and to get that news was quite a shock. Brian is in the same boat as me on emotions.

Some specific prayer requests would be:
1. Pray for no damage to be done to the vocal chords or vocal chord nerves.
2. Pray that my remaining parathyroid glands will remain undamaged and not die off.
3. Pray that the cancer has not spread.
4. Pray for Dr. Bower...guidance, wisdom and that God would work through him during surgery.
5. Pray I will handle the anaesthesia well again and have no complications.
6. Pray that our childcare will workout during my recovery and during the time I have to have radioactive iodine treatment.
7. Pray for the boys...Tyler is especially having a hard time with me not being able to pick him up right now.

All that being said thyroid cancer is the most curable type of cancer you can have. My prognosis is very good. All this information has helped keep me somewhat calm. Knowing it is the "good" type of cancer still doesn't make having cancer any easier. I think I'm taking it harder this time around than I did the first time I was told I had it because I had gotten my hopes up that this potentially wasn't cancer. What can you do though? God is in control. He knew this would happen and it hasn't caught him off guard. He will continue to stay by my side as He has always done.

Thanks for all your continued prayers, love, help, and support! The outpouring of help has been really amazing and such a blessing!

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