Wednesday, March 17, 2010 if my plate wasn't full enough most of you know my surgery date has been rescheduled. Last week my tooth started hurting very bad. I went to the dentist hoping I would have a cavity filled and that would be that. Of course not...come on...haven't we figured out by now if something can go wrong it is bound to go wrong lately. LOL! I had to have a root canal. So I call my surgeon and of course my root canal is scheduled the day before my surgery and the surgeon wants to wait 2 weeks after the root canal to do the surgery. I can totally understand why but it is frustrating to keep having it moved back. Today was the day of the root canal and after the initial few hours following the root canal (those were not fun) I am doing very well now. So thankful for my wonderful husband who let me crash for 3 hours today. I so needed that!

So what else has been going on in life you ask. Well, besides keeping the auto parts store in business (my husband's car broke down on Saturday) along with half the doctors in Ormond Beach, Palm Coast and St. Augustine in business not too much! Haha! The joy off all the medical bills starting to roll in is almost too much for me to stand. That is okay though because God is continually showing up to provide for us and I know He will continue to do so.

My pulmonologist appointment went very well last week. He highly doubts that the spot on my lung is cancerous. It is so so so small they can't even biopsy it and if they preformed surgery to take it out they wouldn't be able to find it. So what we are going to do is have another CT scan at 3 months and see if it has grown. If it hasn't then we'll repeat the CT scan at 6 months. If it still hasn't changed or grown then we'll do one more CT scan at 12 months. Now if my thyroid surgery comes back as cancer then he may do a Pet (PT) Scan but only if my thyroid comes back cancerous. This scan entails me having to have a nuclear substance in my body and be subject to high amounts of radiation on the scan to see if the spot is "active". Right now with the spot being so small it may not show up at all and then I've subjected myself to a lot of stuff unnecessarily. He did say just by looking at the CT scan he didn't think my thyroid would turn out to be cancer. Mind you he didn't have the biopsy results but it still gave me a measure of more hope.

A lot of people have been asking how I'm feeling lately and to tell you the truth beside my tooth hurting like crazy this past week I'm doing pretty well. I am a little tired and showing some other signs of the hypothyroidism but I really do feel healthy which is great! I think I'm going to try and start back at the gym tomorrow. I miss it so much and so does my body and the scale. I was loving seeing the scale move down so quickly and now that it has stalled I'm not so thrilled. :) On a good note though our entire household has changed our eating habits and we are eating so much healthier! A lot more fruits and we are working on getting the kids to eat their veggies more. We have also cut out almost all of the artificial sweeteners and processed foods. We aren't being drastic or going overboard by any means but the few small changes we have made are definitely paying off.

Okay...going to call it a's getting late. My prayers would obviously be for complete healing as always. Those prayers are working let me tell you! Also for my tooth to keep feeling better. For God's financial provision for us through all these car repairs and medical bills. Finally a huge praise for all my friends and family who are still so helpful and supportive!

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